imagine trying to gatekeep a mental illness oh my god
that’s so fucking violent. calling other people’s experiences fake because they don’t match up with the norm? that’s despicable. get a brain.
just because something hasn’t been researched/seen in research doesn’t mean it’s not real oh my god. individuals have different experiences with mental health
our brains are so god damn complex like we struggle to understand how the brain even works! you think that just because scientists haven’t fucking written down ‘yes this can happen’ that it can’t?? that’s ridiculous
like dude science seems to know so little about mental illness in general! we are constantly discovering knew things about it and the brain in general! stop fucking acting like you, one individual with EXTREMELY limited knowledge, actually know more than science does. wow.
‘there are no scientific studies proving’ does not equal ‘this does not exist and if you say you experience it you are WRONG and ABLEIST for pretending to have a mental illness’
this definitely applies elsewhere, but i am specifically talking about endogenic systems. even IF someone is ‘faking plurality’ they obviously still have fucking mental issues and should not be ignored and called ableist. holy shit!
got deja vous writing this thread lol i feel like i said this exact thing years ago too
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