Guess what! It’s #ADA30 thread time!
My favorite case is the case filed on behalf of Lois Curtis and Elaine Wilson. You probably are more familiar with the name of the Commissioner of Georgia’s Department of Human Resources: Tommy Olmstead. Yeah, my favorite ADA case is known by the name of the government official.
One of my favorite things about this case: it was brought by legal aid lawyers at @AtlantaLegalAid. I did not realize that for years. Atlanta Legal Aid has a Disability Integration Project! You can read more about it here: 
The website  created by @AtlantaLegalAid in partnership with @NDRNadvocates and funding through a grant from @LSCtweets - it’s exciting to be a legal aid lawyer and see this kind of partnership
What often gets lost in the conversation about the case are the two disabled women at the center of it: Lois Curtis and Elaine Wilson. Let us raise them up and say their names. Sue Jamieson was their lawyer. You can read their stories here:
If you want to do a deep dive into the case itself: check out this link
But it’s the legacy of this case that matters - both how far we’ve come and how far we have left to go. But my dog has woken up so will be back after a short break.
Because everyone deserves to see Bella, here she is
Go back to the tweet before the dog photo to read the rest of the thread - this was a dog detour
Here’s the rest of the thread if you don’t feel like scrolling back
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