- thread of questions for when you are bored -
if you could listen to one album again for the first time, which one would it be?
what is your mood lifting song?
a song you are currently listening to on a loop?
what show are you currently binge watching?
worst show you have ever watched?
best show you have ever watched?
favourite movie?
favourite book?
what is an annoying habit you have?
what is an odd combination of food that you enjoy?
which mutual would you like to meet one day?
what super power would you like to have?
what is something you PASSIONATELY hate?
what is your favourite instrument? (to play/listen to)
which famous person would you like to be best friends with?
what is your favourite flower?
which country do you want to visit the most?
if you could be a part of a book universe, which one would it be?
if you could be a part if a movie universe, which one would it be?
famous person you look up to?
sleeping with several pillows or just a few?
what would you do if you were president of your country for a day?
what is you favourite comfort food?
if you could be another person for one day, who would it be?
how many bones have you broken?
wire earphones or wireless?
what is one skill you would like to learn?
what is your favourite planet?
a mutual you would like to be friends with/better friends with? (tag them!)
are you doing this to procrastinate something you are supposed to be doing right now?
i love you, now tag someone and tell them you love them
- end of thread-
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