A THREAD on key ideas from insightful post on "Personal Moats in the 21st Century" by @danielgross:


Personal moats are things that will help you maintain an edge over everyone else.

Read long form content:

Ability to read and focus for lengthy periods of time is going to be an increasingly rare trait.

Write frequently:

Writing helps you organize and structure your thoughts.

A healthy body:

Sleep well. Exercise. Work hard and smart. Get used to eating healthy food. Get started on these routines ASAP.

Get lucky:

Constantly hunt for golden opportunities. Expose yourself to new and interesting people.

i) Generate unique ideas: Get in the habit of thinking about what you’d improve in the world.

ii) Be skeptical and optimistic: Get in the habit of judicious thinking.


iii) Embrace adventure: Opportunity involves risk. People worry too much about the potential downside and forget the upside. Your biggest enemy is your own status-quo. Be ambitious. Break out of your local maxima.

Get busy:

Get in the habit of doing stuff. Do anything you enjoy that also provides value to other humans. Try to do it as much as possible.

Know your mind:

Meditation can help with this. Once you’re more self aware you can exploit your personality to your benefit. Reflect on what motivates you, and use that to hold yourself accountable.
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