Does anyone think about that one time you went to get new foundation and because you knew fuck all about makeup at the time, you had to ask for help in choosing one. But then this really cute girl was helping and and and she said that it’s best to test the foundation colour...
on your neck so it all matches and shit, so she straight up (lol) dabbed the foundation on your neck with her really soft fingers and you had never been so nervous and gay in your life. And as she touched your neck, you swallowed really hard. But to this day you still don’t...
know if she noticed your heartbeat going a hundred miles an hour. And 2 years later you still occasionally think about the gay disaster that you are and will forever be...

Why did I not ask her out 😭

My anxiety is telling me to delete this thread but I’m trying to be more openly myself even if I can’t articulate it well, so I wont.

Fuck you anxiety.
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