a guide to yuedong seoul/renra

a thread

★ yuedong shouer/akdong seoul/renjun radio is a segment in TBS eFM's 24-hour radio

★ it is a Chinese broadcast in Korea, they mostly speak Chinese but they sometimes speak in Korean

★ everyday at (weekdays) 9:00PM - 9:45PM KST / (weekends) 9:00PM - 10:00PM KST
Podbbang: http://m.podbbang.com/ch/1770365 

** links to the YouTube live stream can change, click the stream with the title "tbs eFM 101.3MHz LIVE stream"

★ there are guests to accompany renjun daily, all of them are amazing.

★ you can send in messages to their email ([email protected]), the message should be in either Chinese or Korean

★ viewable/visual radios are once a week during weekdays. follow @.tbsefm_yuedong on Instagram for updates.

★ Renjun does VLive or YiZhiBo after visual radios

★ not everyday is live! it's live when they're giving out coffee or pizza coupons. weekends are always pre-recorded

- this segment is daily. you can tell how your day went or tell about self-improvement in this segment, RenD will cheer for you! keep the message short

subject: 乐成长日记

Guest: GUOZHEN (马国振/마국진)

-tell your secrets to RenD and Guozhen, you can use a nickname/ fake name and your secret will be safe to RenD and Guozhen

subject: 我们的小树洞

[Tuesday] MUSIC WAVE
Guest: JINYONG (金勇/김용)

-RenD and Jinyong will play two songs from a Chinese and Korean artists

no reading of fan-sent letters except for daily growth diary

[Wednesday] HIT CHARTS
Guest: Lanlan (朴兰兰/박란란)

-There will be a certain topic every week and Lanlan will play songs according to it. Lanlan would give hints to RenD and the listeners some clues for the top 1 song.

no reading of fanletters except dgd

Guest: Caoli (曹丽/조려)

-There will be a certain topic every week, it would be announced a week before. Share your stories to yuedong seoul for RenD and Caoli to read!

subject: top of 乐动首尔

Guest: Longjun (朴龙君/박용군)

-RenD and Longjun will read stories about your idol according to the topic. The topic is announced a week before.

subject: 偶像日记

Guest: Jianglai (姜莱/미래님)

-Send in your song recommendations to RenD and Jianglai! Tell the reason why you recommended the song. RenD will also recommend a song at the end of the broadcast.

subject: 我的私房歌单

Guest: Defu (刘德甫/유덕보)

-RenD and Defu will discuss two movies and play OSTs. The movies are usually announced by PD-nim in the YouTube live chat

no reading of fan letters.

if you have any questions, reply it to this tweet and we'll answer you~


the subject for saturday segment is "我的私人歌单"

i am so sorry 😔

another correction**

they are giving out pizza vouchers everyday^^ when there's a pizza event, we will find out at the end of the broadcast if it's live when he read the winner's letter~

(credits to @LUMOS0323 ❤)

You can follow @dailyrenra.
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