I was writing a book about the slow motion collapse of the Roman Republic during the 2016 election. Now, while writing a book about the French Revolution, I get the blinkered sociopathic non-response of the American ruling class to a generational crisis. https://twitter.com/mikeduncan/status/1287273135713193985
I find it impossible to not be horribly gut-churningly apprehensive about what is coming in the fall of 2020. It's all coming to a head.
Will be *thrilled* if it turns out I've just over-exposed myself to historical materials and am roundly chided this time next year for hysterical catastrophizing. But a lot of key actors seem hell bent on making it all come true.
I don't believe the United States is missing a single one of the standard compounding crisis factors that I would normally arrange into an Revolutions episode immediately preceding the episode where it all blows up to hell.
Christ I'm gonna go take a walk, I think I just gave myself an anxiety attack lol weeee.
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