so I just found this interview with chomsky *from 1994* wherein he exposes and totally destroys the "sjw cultural marxists and their cancel culture are destroying society!" grift, back when it went under the name of "political correctness run amok!" 
he recently confirmed that this remains his stance in relation to the current deranged hysteria whipped up by a pathological elite media class, rage-whining about "sjws" and their "cancel culture" being all-powerful threats to western civilization
what he says about how the "political correctness game" requires the creation of phantom enemies like "black mothers" and "radicals" (today's "sjw woke cultural marxists") is dead-on: they have to present themselves as victims and brave fighters against some all-powerful evil
this creates "schrodinger's categories", like the mythical "sjw", at once a coddled snowflake safe-space lover *and* a ruthless barbaric all-powerful demonic force dominating all major institutions in society. they go back and forth from leaning on one and the other as required
see this thread for chomsky making statements that the right-wing and liberal "anti-woke" crowd would decry as unhinged cultural marxist "woke" mania, like supporting reparations and calling the bell curve (andrew sullivan's fav book) nazi propaganda
these pathetic losers like andrew sullivan want to gain legitimacy for their grift by attaching themselves to chomsky's name, when they've spent their entire careers calling him a genocide denying terrorist-lover. really among the worst scum on earth
found another interview with chomsky from the 90s where he exposes and destroys the "political correctness gone mad!" hysteria. the reason it reads so familiar is bc they're literally re-running the playbook now with "sjw cultural marxist cancel culture"
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