Many families struggle initially to make sense of a diagnosis that will change their lives in many ways.

Some see it as a meaningless label, others as a doorway to understanding.

Some never come to terms with it, many learn, act and go forward.

A diagnosis is not the end
Many years ago our loved one was disagnosed as #autistic.

To be honest, we had never heard of #autism, let alone met an #autistic person.

The @NHS gave us some leaflets and that was it we were on our own
We struggled and sometimes learnt the hard way. We tried the NAS, but give up. We tried a local parent group, and learnt many things.

We learnt to fight the LA, educate teachers, SENCOs and others.
On the journey we have met some extra people who have made a great difference.

Every SLT person we have met has been extraordinary. SENCOs have improved over the years. Teachers have improved.

Our opinion of Educational Psychologists is not publishable.
Our journey with Mental Health has been problematic.

The clinical psychologist from CAHMS early in our journey was a God Sent. The lady helped in so many ways.

Our more recent encounters have been horrendous. It is as if MH does not matter and #autism does not matter.
The bane of our journey has been gatekeepers. Some of them were jail door bolts in a former life.

Why do receptionists need to know every detail? Why do triage people with limited knowledge of the inside of a paper bag get to decide if your loved one gets access?
We have seen a few MPs on our journey. One was outstanding, the others pathetic and with the empathy of a dead cat.

The magical MP even attended a question time session for similar parents.
We have found our elected councillors to be the same-variable. There are some who get it and some who don’t. Those that do, like the former magical MP are all from the same party.
The @NHS has been a pain and God Send. We are lucky to have a GP who is not a bean counter. Others in the practice may not be suitable for #autistic people. This GP understands the collateral damage that occurs when caring for some one.
@NHS receptionists are glorified gatekeepers. Some at A and E need to learn why #autism matters
The DWP has become the number one pet “hate”. Some of the people are worth their weight in gold whilst others shouldn’t even be left in charge of a goldfish.

Many the processes and procedures used by the DWP are not very friendly towards neuro-divergent people
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