
Earlier I was overcome by total rage.

In the modern history of politics, nobody has been subjected to a more comprehensive, sustained attack than supporters of @realDonaldTrump.

This THIS happened.

Two and three were posted simultaneously.

I understand the need for artificial intelligence, but do we really need artificial stupidity?

Is this the level of Russian and Chinese "interference" in the election?
See, I was infuriated by all these pious psychos supporting urban terrorism in the name of social justice.

Trump supporters have been attacked physically, psychologically, economically, educationally, spiritually.

The press and all our entertainment and sports attack us.
Doctors and nurses attack us.

The IRS, the FBI, and hackers attack us.

After FIVE STRAIGHT YEARS OF THIS, now we see human walrus seals flopping down the street, and THEY'RE the ones with "courage."
Yeah, well, you fat, saggy, sloppy paid extras wouldn't know courage if it flung your own shite in your faces, ladies.

Try plowing ahead when everyone around you is a homicidal lunatic FOR NO REASON.

You sows have no idea what REAL human-rights violations are.
But then an artificially stupid Chinese or Russian bot snapped me out of my fugue state of anger.

I always knew Trump would be elected, but tonight the universality of the leftist attack on Trump supporters was brought into focus by these pig-women DARING to compare themselves to us.

WE are the heroes.

Because we're not surrendering.
I've never been able to trace this quote by the commander of a company of Scottish Highlanders during the Battle of Waterloo:

"We'll not leave this place alive, lads, but they'll remember us."


With nothing to lose, they fought ferociously.
I'm back to the laughing stage.

A Chinese or Russian Stone Age bot did the trick.

A primitive, cargo-cult version of American technology made me see the gallows humor in all this.

Think about it:
The Russians and Chinese are perennial also-rans, but they're crippled by delusions of grandeur.

You know what Russia's best military product is?


It HAD to be the best, because every single pilot had to use it as his cast-iron aircraft disintegrated.
The Chinese can't build ELEVATORS that work.

We had our first safe elevators in 1868.

In 2020, the Chinese still produce deathtraps that decapitate passengers or drop 40 stories and flatten into a 12-inch tall pile of metal and goo.
The Democrats have become a Stone Age, cargo-cult political party.

They have no idea how to get people to vote for them.

Kayleigh McEnany @PressSec EVISCERATED the press so thoroughly yesterday that they were initially shocked into silence.

They're terrorists, terrorist supporters, insane, transparently dishonest, hysterical, arsonists, HORRIBLE propagandists, looters, alcoholics, and senile.

Not even the Nazis were this inept.
The Nazis had their street thugs, but they played on public discontent and offered rewards for electing them.

The Democrats have street thugs, and they offer TO KILL YOU if you elect them.

It's in their platform.
They're promising to ethnically cleanse 77 percent of the population based on race, and they're promising the abolition of law, prisons, borders, jobs, food, property, and individual thought.

Whatever else they were, the Nazis were RATIONAL.

They wanted to rule the world.
The Democrats are irrational on every level.

They want to destroy absolutely everything.


They support murdering black people in the name of black people.

It's gone WAY beyond anything that can be diagrammed.
It's like the Black Mass, the Satanist version of the Catholic Mass.

They do exactly the opposite of what's done in the Mass.

Can you understand how STUPID that is?

It's giving Catholics total control over your meaningless life.
Democrats have to wait for TRUMP to say or do something before they themselves can act.

They're giving us a Black Mass of a political party. It's deliberately the opposite of everything Trump stands for.

Such as the rule of law, success, safety, a good education, etc.
Leftists will ramp up the insanity the closer we get to the election.

And some of you are still attributing superpowers to the Democrats.


Who are the masterminds who will steal the election?

They think making law enforcement illegal is a winning position.
The Great Democratic Election-Stealing Machine does not exist.

It's a Chinese elevator that goes up and down at Mach 7, churning all the passengers into foam.

It's a Russian coal-powered aircraft carrier that travels with a fleet of ocean-going tugboats.
Those clods in Portland haven't figured out how to breach a courthouse in TWO MONTHS OF TRYING EVERY NIGHT.

The mind boggles.

They have no idea that they're all being goaded into handing Trump a historic landslide.

It's truly amazing.

And Trump orchestrated the whole thing.

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