2am is a perfectly reasonable time to start rewatching the FINAL DESTINATION franchise, right?
The early 00s were a...white bread steeped in tepid water period for mainstream fashion
Raise your hand if any of you remembered this as the pun for the name of the movie.

...that's what I thought
Remember when movies were a tight 90 minutes? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
God I know this is what I looked like when I was a 17 year old.
Without looking it up- what is this actor's name?
And this is is where this movie steps up and becomes a classic. Note the explosion is secondary the teen drama and how it is a thing happening to disrupt their limited focus.
When you have to be pensive and demure and lavender goth but also the quirky love interest
Thats a polo shirt with the collar tucked into a thermal sweater - wtf 2000s fashion
Cool I broke the thread https://twitter.com/ZacharyWhitten/status/1287297268173938688?s=19
I love how Death - the villain, the architect, the unavoidable end - is presented in this movie. It is wind, water, a shadow distorting something in the mirror that only the audience sees.
These movies are inherently based on the schema of practical joke comedy mixed with horror movie results. Show all of the bad things, and wait for the outcome to be worse than you imagined.
And then...juke as the results get too obvious
I won't spoil the results, but the first death shows the angles the writers knew they were playing with.

Everything leans toward the theme that this is Death covering up for its falliblility.

And if Death is fallible...what then?

Well I totally forgot the "let's break into the funeral home and see what our dead friend has to say" arc of the story.
Oh that's right, because that's when we meet @TonyTodd54, master of his craft and lord of the whisper growl. The man is horror movie royalty.
"I'll see you soon."

Aaaaand thats your trailer tag line.

God, he's so good.
I really feel like this was a shot that was meant for Twilight,
"Death has a design"

And we have a line for the posters!
But what happens when you are too confident and pretty for Death?

We get our third act and Death starts to improv.
And that means our main character (literally no idea what anyone's name is) is now meta-Rube Goldberging Death's design by actively looking out for ways to die and working against them.

Essentially meaning that his life is now unliveable.
But don't worry, Death is jazz. Death can improv.
But Death also knows how to play the old favorites...
The core problem with this franchise is that act 4 has always been.. difficult...to deliver. And often results in things like Main Character fighting Pseudo-Sentient power line with a shovel (???).
But don't worry, Ali Larter totally gets over the trauma of cheating death by changing her hair color?!
The movie ends as all great teen horror franchises do - with a twist cliffhanger.

But as this thread ends, this is a reminder that this was pre-wide spread CGI. THIS IS LITERALLY TWO PEOPLE DODGING AN EXPLODING SIGN!

I hope they got residuals.
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