To all the worried tourism based businesses that is solely blaming government for the loss of tourism... It is not just here. It is not just us. We are in a pandemic. Fight for government support, UBI, payment releases.
If all tourism business gets the go ahead to open tomorrow do they think they will magically survive? Where will tourists come from? EU tourists won't come here because of transmission rates. The tourism sector is heavily dependent on international tourists.
Locals often can't afford the mad rates that is charged cf KP lodge). And let's not forget, the South African economy is (and has been) in real trouble. I don't think local travel will be able to save the tourism sector either (even if people have the money to travel).
So there is this magical thinking that if the government allows the tourism sector to operate as normal, everything will be just fine. I just don't see that happening. I would love to know the logic behind the demand, if there is.
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