Oh boy everyone it's THREAD TIME!! Also TW:

I've been really conflicted this month about Rayman and how it's owned by Ubisoft. For those that don't know Ubisoft's execs and the leads at many of their studios have been exposed as sex abusers. That's unacceptable
To my knowledge Rayman's specific dev team, Ubisoft Montpellier, hasn't really been involved. For better or worse, they're just absent from these discussions.

However, the biggest abuser, Serge Hascoet, was a designer for Rayman 1 and 2
Also he was in charge of greenlighting or rejecting everything at the company, so basically everything had to be tailor made for him. Probably explains the few less than pleasing bumps throughout the series (the first pic is at least only from a trailer, not in-game)
I do stress though that those are just bumps. Those moments are outliers in the general Rayman series
Now if you know me you probably know Rayman is like, one of my favorite things ever. On top of just loving the games, Rayman was there for me throughout my whole life. I think I've known about Rayman before I knew about math
I've been very conflicted on how to feel about Rayman upon learning all this. But I think I figured out how to feel.

Ubisoft is terrible, evil, they honestly need to go bankrupt I feel... But Rayman?
Ubisoft might be a vile corporation, but Rayman is not a vile creation. Rayman may come from a toxic company, but Rayman is more than Ubisoft's toxicity. Abusers have unfortunately had influence over it, but many others have to
Whole teams of people make games, many of which are just average joe schmoes trying to do their jobs. And it reflects, so much of Rayman is positive. Stories of team work, of uniting against bigoted forces, of peace and love saving the day
Those stories are the opposite if abusive. And these characters sure aren't abusive. This music sure isn't abusive

Rayman is more than the toxic environment it was made in. And it's more than what even the people making the game intended to make. Rayman means alot to so many people, they see so many different things in it, many lf which are very personal. Ubisoft can't take that away
Now that for sure doesn't mean Ubisoft is off the hook, absolutely not. Just cause something good can come from toxic environments doesn't mean toxic environments should be allowed to exist
In a perfect world the Rayman IP would be bought by some other, less abusive company. But we don't live in a perfect world. If a new Rayman game comes out ('like that'll ever happen' -Shrek) Im buying it used, Ubisoft doesn't deserve the money
I doubt the devs behind the Rayman games even get royalties for game sales anyways, so they wouldn't even be harmed by me buying it used
I refuse to let Ubisoft off the hook. I fully support anyone tearing into the company, and Ubisoft will get no praise from me.

I also refuse to let Ubisoft take away something that means so much to me. Rayman doesn't belong to Ubisoft anymore, Rayman belongs to the fans
Im sorry this thread was so long and probably disorganized chgfqeiydstdsjydaryue.

I just felt I should get my thoughts out on Ubisoft, and explain my feelings towards both Ubisoft and Rayman, before making silly Ubisoft-less Rayman tweets.

Thank you for reading :]
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