值年星辰: On Annual stars-- Chinese text on planetary magic / remedial astrology
The text posted and translated in this thread (which I will warn you, will be long) can be classified as one of remedial astrology or planetary magic. As @1312x40 has shown, a similar practise is done in Vietnam, https://twitter.com/1312x40/status/1287252822094835712 but it is not so common in China, AFAIK
3. Here is the tl;dr. This text It assigns each year of a person’s life to one of the 9 planets (7 classical + Nodes). The planet ruling each year will foretell the character of the year, as well as the techniques for averting the disasters the year will bring.
4. the rituals typically take this form: On specific dates of each month, writing the planet's title on a 'tablet of apopriately coloured paper', and lighting a set number of lamps in the planet's honour.
5. This text is notable bc it is filled with illustrations showing the planets, and hence would be of interest to those who study the history of such iconography <i.e. @JeffreyKotyk >
6/ I have access to the txt in 3 forms.
A) An ed. of the 玉匣記, pub'd by 竹林出版社。
B) A facsimilie of an old woodblock ed of the 玉匣記, pub;d by 九州出版社.
C) The 2020 edn of the 廣經堂 almanac, pub'd in Hong Kong.
The text is from (A), but i will show pics from all 3 eds
The preface of the original:
8. tr:
"When these stars enter into a person’s fate, /
Light lamps for prosperity. /.
It will protect your tranquillity, and increase fortune and life. /
Both men and women alike, it is best to perform the resolving rituals/
When the nine stars descend, you must be sincere...
9/ Those whose annual fate is ruled by a particular planet, should on the day of the Planet’s descent sincerely perform a sacrifice to the planet, burning lamps. Those who sacrifice will find they will enter the palace 加宮, increase in rank and their profits in business ...
... increase hundredfold. If you Accompany your wife to pray for sons on auspicious day, the prayers will surely be answered. Sacrificing to the inauspicious stars when you encounter them can release you from disasters.
11/ the Sun:
名曰太陽星光輝天下無處不明朗主遠行有才大人見喜添人進口萬事和合女子不喜此星值禳解方吉。每月二十七日下界用黃紙牌位寫日宮 太陽天子星君燈十二盞正西祭之大吉
(竹林-- Facsimilie-- 廣經堂)
I will be posting the images in this order:
1st img: Text A
2nd img: Text B
3rd img, text C https://twitter.com/edwardW2/status/1287264245726371840
12. translation:
If the year is ruled by the SUN/
This year will attain health and happiness./
Men will find goodness in droves/
there will be disasters for women. /
... [The Suns’] name is Great Yang; its brightness shines all under heaven; There is no place his rays do not illuminate. He fortrells distant journeys, wealth. The Great Man will see joy, an increase in his family, and all matters in harmony.
14/ ... For women this star is not auspicious; if this star rules their fate they should perform rituals to avert the disaster and make it auspicious...
15/ On the 27th day of each month, [the Sun] descends to earth. Use yellow paper to make a tablet. Write on it the words The Sun, Great Yang Heavenly Prince Stellar Worthy . Burn twelve lamps, facing the west; sacrificing thus is most auspicious.
16: the Moon:
17/ If the year is ruled by the MOON, / all things will follow your desire
Seeking for a name will also (並) bring profit / For honour, One should take long journeys.
18/ (cont'd) The [Moon’s] name is the Star that comments on Yang. It is suitable to see officials. For men, all matters will go smoothly, as they please 遂心. For women, there will be the misfortunes of illness, and affliction through childbirth.
19/ On the 26th day of every month, [The Moon] descends to Earth. . Use Yellow paper to make a tablet, writing on it The Moon, Queen of the Great Yin Stellar Worthy. Burn seven lamps, facing the west; sacrificing this is most auspicious.
20/ Jupiter
21: Translation
If the year is ruled by JUPITER/
It is not auspicious for Yin People.
Although you may encounter a very small illness/
[it] will not persist for years or months...
22/ [Jupiter’s name] Is Chaoyuan -star [lit: "Morning origin"] In this year, men will have diseases of the eyes. Yin people [women?] will have the disaster of bloodshed. However there is no harm in wedding, [for] people will be unified and there will be peace.
23/ On the 25th day of each month [Jupiter] descends to earth. Use Green paper to make a tablet, writing on it "The Stellar Worthy of Wood’s virtue, [lord of] the east, Jia and Yi". Burn 20 lamps, sacrificing to the west; most auspicious.
24/ Mars:
(Note: the 1st illustration has an error: the wrong no. of lamps are depicted.)
25: Transl:

If the year is ruled by MARS/
following the old ways will bring peace for your body./
Women will face many disasters/
For men: their fate will certainly be punishment.
26/ [Mars’ name] Is the Disaster star; it foretells illnesses, disasters in childbirth and bloodshed for women; for men disasters through law. It does not profit men, the six types of livestock will not flourish it. It is best to be prudent...
27/ On the 29th day of each month, [Mars] descends to earth. Use red paper to make a tablet and write The stellar worthy of Fire’s virtue,[ Lord of] the South, Bing and Ding. Burn 15 lamps, facing the west to sacrifice; this is most auspicious.
28/ The illustration in the 竹林 edn (text A) has an error: the odd shape beside the figure is the way you are supposed to arrange the 15 lamps 燃燈式. You will notice there are only 10 circles= 10 lamps, whilst all the rest hve space for 15
29/ Saturn:
Again note how the zhulin edn has an error: Too many lamps!
30: Translated

If the year is ruled by SATURN, /
The law will come to bother you. /
Coming and going will be met with obstacles/
Beware of frights caused by inferior people.
31: [Saturn’s name] is the star of evil. In this year disasters will be encountered. The house will not be peaceful, there will be frustration 啾唧 , and strange dreams at night. The Six types of Livestock will not prosper. It is inauspicious to travel far.
32: On the 19th day of each month, [Saturn] descends to earth. Use yellow paper to make a tablet, and write "The Stellar worthy of Earth’s virtue, [Lord of] the Center, Wu and Ji." Burn five lamps, fasting the west; sacrificing thus is most auspicious.
33. Notice again how the Zhulin edn has an errror: The shape beside Saturn should have 5 circles(i.e lamps) but the figure contains 21 lamps instead! the correct fig is shown again fr. the woodblock edn:
34/ Venus
Note: AGAIN THE ZHULIN EDN (1st img) has an error!
35/ When the year is ruled by VENUS,/
all things will not follow your wish/
The man shall return in grief/
[ Worse still for women]*

[the last line 大忌是女人 can also be tr. as "Women are most prohibited"; I know not which is the correct reading]
36/ [Venus’ name] is Chaoyang star [Lit: Morning Yang] . The noble person will see happiness, and increase in people. But in marriage there may be disasters of the stomach. In entering and exiting, beware of inferior persons.
37/ [Venus] Descends to earth on the 15th of each month. Use white paper to make a tablet, and write “Stellar worthy of Metal’s virtue, [Lord of] The west, Geng and Xin. Burn eight lamps; sacrificing thus is most auspicious.
28/ Mercury

Note: the image in the 1st text ought to be for Saturn, not Mercury
39. Translated:

If the year is ruled by MERCURY; /
there will be wealth, joy and flourishing in droves. /
For men wealth and rank will come; /
for women be careful of malicious tongues.
[Mercury’s name ] is the Fortune and Rank star. Visiting a Great Man will bring joy, travelling far would bring money, and increase in people. It is not auspicious for women, there will be disasters; it is not suitable to cross the river...
41. [Mercury] descends to earth on the 21st of each month; use Black皂 coloured paper to make a tablet, and write “The Stellar Worthy of Water’s virtue, [Lord of] the North, Ren & Gui. Burn seven lamps, sacrificing towards the west; this is most auspicious.
42. Rahu:
名曰口舌星主見官非口舌眼 目之疾女人見血光產厄之災。每月初八下界用黃紙牌位寫天宮神首羅睺星君燈九盞正北祭之大吉。
N.B. the figure in the 1st image should be for venus
43/ translated:

When the year is ruled by RAHU/
it foretells misery in all matters
There will be legal disasters for men;/
gloom will also come for women.
44. [Rahu/ North Node’s name is] The Star of conflict. Beware of legal disputes and slander, diseases of the eyes, [and tongue]. Women will see bloody disasters, and harm through birth.
[Rahu] Descends on the 8th of every month. Use Yellow paper to make a tablet, and write “The Stellar Worthy Rahu, The Head of gods in heaven’s palace” Burn nine lamps, facing North; sacrificing thus is most auspicious.

(At long last, the first img for Ketu is correct)
47/ When the year is ruled by KETU/
There will be no time without disaster or harm. .
Yin persons should be careful of tongues/
Especially 猶可 [your] husband’s
48/ [Ketu’s name] is the Evil star. It is inauspicious for the Great Man; the 6 kinds of livestock will not profit. [For] The Yin person it foretells Disputes and arguments. It is suitable to travel far, for wealth will be found....
49/ ...There will be unclear and obscure things happening at home.
[Ketu] descends on the 18th day of each month. Use Yellow paper to make a tablet, and write “The Stellar Worthy Ketu, The tail of heaven” Burn twelve lamps, facing West; sacrificing thus is most auspicious.
50. I should note that the Zhulin edition of the text has severely screwed up the images associated with each planet. They have placed [say] the image for Ketu besides the text that deals with Mars etc.
51/ here is the corrected version: The figures are switched around, so the entry for saturn is beside the picture for Jupiter etc. This identification is based on the diagram that is beside each image.
52: Now for the matter of how this operates. As mentioned above, the system is a profectional one: Each yr of life, starting age 11 is assigned one of the 9 planets . The exact order of the planets, differs depednding on the person's sex, as you can see fr, the table below
53. If you look carefully, the planets go in the following cycle:
Starting at age 11, the
For men 男 it is

Sat-Merc-Ven-Sun-Mar-Ketu-Moo-Jup-Rahu- [Saturn] (etc etc etc)

For women 女 it is

Mars-Jup-Moo-Sat-Rahu-Sun-Ven-Mer-Ketu- [Mars] (etc)
54/ Note, if you do intend to practise this, recall that the Chinese consider a person aged 1 at birth, so [say] the entry for "11" would apply to a child of 10 years by the western count https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Asian_age_reckoning
55/ In turn, Gendering horoscopes is not uncommon in the Chinese tradition. Unfortunately the text is silent about what planet a non-binary, intersex or trans person should worship for a particular year
56/This article, https://m.sohu.com/n/457655914/?pvid=000115_3w, states that of old, the eight character horoscopes of eunuchs were calculated using the method for men, but again this does not resolve the matter of *social transition* or intersex persons.
57/ In turn, I recall a story of Wu Zetian 武則天, the only empress regnant of china. She once visited a fortune-teller disguised as a man. The diviner remarked to the disguised Wu, that if 'he' was a woman the next year "he" would be the ruler of the world- which came true
58. This is a question that I cannot resolve, and must defer to the judgment of persons more learned than I.
59: For more astro-magic, I have uploaded these two texts (In Chinese) 元始天尊說十一曜大消災神咒經
Yuanshi Tianzun's Sutra of the Mantras to greatly expel disasters of the 11 Luminaries
and 月府素曜太陰妙經
(The sutra of the Moon)
60. These are taoist astral-magic texts. A third is the Sutra of the Sun 太陽經 , a 'folk' sutra that is extremely widely distrubuted. My father remembers his grandmother reciting one of the lines of the sutra 太陽出來滿天紅 constantly in his youth. https://archive.org/details/taiyangjingimages
61/ There are also two sutras regarding astral deities: the 北斗經 (Sutra of the norther dipper) https://archive.org/details/bdjsysgj_images/page/n8/mode/2up and the 五斗經 (Sutra of the 5 Dippers) https://archive.org/details/wudouzhenjing/page/n2/mode/2up

the 1st text, altho' around since the Sung d. & v. popular has never been tr. into English :(
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