a true crime podcast that investigates what the fuck is going on with donkey kong’s family tree
i have spent many long nights losing my mind over this
What does it mean
this mf is Donkey Kong’s DAD
just found out that Funky Kong is an entrepreneur....could this day get any worse...
Every Straight Couple
The movie Memento but the main character is just trying to remember the DK family tree so he gets it tattooed on his body
Trying to figure out if Diddy Kong even has parents at this stage
all the Kong’s ages are only speculative except Bluster Kong? who is 56 years old lmaoooooooooo
Just learned that I am Bluster Kong
god I want this relationship
oh god I’ve been doing DK research for the past hour and just realized I wasn’t connected to WiFi
Moral of the story is- Mario is the true villain, non nuclear families are great, and Diddy Kong deserves a better backstory
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