It has come to ky knowledge that French blackmailer & abuser Mr. @BernardGrua who is representing a PK #pedophile on social media, attacking me brutally on his behalf has expressed concern I might commit suicide. Please don't pretend, you hatched a plot to murder me. @FranceinPak
I spoke to the Emergency helplines of @FranceinPak last year but the embassy was of no help against their lunatic citizen Mr. @BernardGrua of #Nantes who has given me brutal threats for over a yesr for exposing a criminal, #AlamJanDario, rapist of several teen girls and women.
Mr. @BernardGrua has no sympathy or concern for the life of me and my child. THIS is what the blackmailer is concerned with. @cybercrimefia @FranceinPak @ICT_Police
A French citizen gave open threats to me, abused Pakistan, asked ppl of Gojal to attack me on account of my sect
All because I got sick of being physically, verbally harassed in a valley where I have been attacked by secret unknown forces many times... and RETALIATED. Is anyone paying attention? NO! They want to save women in #Kashmir while Pakistanis are raped brutally in Pakistan. Bravo.
Mr. @BernardGrua is not concerned about my life. He has a self-decalred plan to harm me, he plotted with HUNDREDS OF MEN to attack and murder me, and now he pretends he is concerned about our lives because I leaked his threats and plans on Twitter. @cybercrimefia @FranceinPak
For sectarian rabble-rousing, according to Pakistani law, @BrrnardGrua is triable under the anti-terrorism courts of Pakistan. Let him not run his destiny.

#BernardGrua is a hate-filled troll who enjoys gratuitous murder, conspiracy and was happy to kill us for a pedophile.
This is my statement. If I am found dead or brutally harmed, or otherwise suffer heinous consequences of his schemes, arrest @BernardGrua #Nantes for scheming and ask him about sponsoring a #pedophile and criminal whom BG supports at @Chapursan.
@PoliceNationale @PoliceNat44
I have had enough of the threats and abuse of this criminal.

Meanwhile Pakistani authorities better keep sleeping. I am from Karachi, I am put under pressure in GB whenever I mention abuse.. bc this place literally ran on abusing tourists/travelers.
@cybercrimefia @ICT_Police
Exploiting tourists/travelers is how they sent their children to school and built large empires. Why would they strike the root of their juicy earning? A normal Pakistani is under surveillance for earning $200 off a freelancing site after YEARS of education.
But an uneducated uncouth tour guide in mountain regions fucks 50 goris and makes 30 of them send him money for their rest of their lives... begging as only Pakistanis can beg shamelessly... making it sound like THEY are doing a favor.

And there's no accountability.
I have received threats in the past for posting this, but the truth is that this country is being run by child rapists, women abusers, drug junkies, warmongering maniacs. Our "patriotic" visions are fever dreams of a patriarchy hellbent on killing women, children, planetary life.
I understand that I am fighting not just a pedophile and a blackmailer from France ( @FranceinPak, this is a shame you might want to take notice of!)... but an entire system of patriarchy and toxic humanity. That realization sucks my breath out, making it hard to focus.
In the words of legendary #AlamJanDario, when I said I will share his exploits with the people of @Chapursan: "No one will take any action against me. I have fucked the sisters of them all!" Well to life in Pakistan's Pamiri communities!
Their most legendary abuser is alive, unremorseful, active and, as the locals andnintel.agencies complain in frustration, supported by foreigners who suppress any voice their raises against their favorite predator. Many French citizens involved. @FranceinPak
In the name of "human rights", French citizens passionately support crim in Pakistan, inviting mountain communities to attack southern Pakistanis. Because according to White colonial logic, the victim has no rights. Bravo!
Also, according to their logic, people-of-color need to take it sitting down, and brown Sunni Muslim women have no rights.

Our job is to put on cultural costumes and dance and pose for photos so White "photographers" such as @BernardGrua can build a portfolio.
(All photos by @BernardGrua show people in traditional costumes striking customary poses for the agitated White fascist so he can sell these online and believe himself to be a legendary ethnographer from the 18th century trying to preserve cultures White civilization destroyed.)
In doing so, and in presenting himself as the model White male/French citizen, this toxic anachronistic male reverses DECADES of development and cooperation and understanding between nations. He missed the boat of when POCs and Whites progressed on understanding each other.
As a brown woman who was previously surrounded by loving, caring, evolved White people and have friends and beloveds in the White world AND amongst people of other colors and nations, I am SHOCKED to discover this disorienting time-machine of a man who makes me vomit with terror.
Now I am not just "surrounded by" token White and POC friends. I can, of course, not change my skin & ethnicity (though as one from gnostic traditions we do not even parse the issue this way).
But I can favor the other, help them in my own ways. And I do that almost to the point of self-annihilation.
I will end this thread here.
As usual, no one takes note. I am not yet found dead in my room or on the street so why pay attention? Let me get murdered at the hands of a pedophile with outreach and his vile foreign sponsors, then I can be comfortably hashtagged. Not now!! 😠😑
Let Mr. @BernardGrua comfortably slaughter a foreign, unrelated Mother & Child neither of whom know him or ever did him any harm before he sent us excruciating threats. Seeking freedom for their own women the French coordinate murders abroad. @FranceinPak
I cannot let this pass.
Where is France now? Always tooting the horn of "human rights", meddling in others' affairs when and where she is not even welcome, the country cannot even watch her own backyard full of festering troublesome tykes!

White imperialists and colonials rigged the global laws and balance in such a way that the rest of us always depend on them for approvals and money. This allows them to bypass self-scrutiny and like the school bully, police and patronize others.
Mevlana Rumi was right: "This world is a playgroubd full of children, with few adults to be found."

I am beyond shocked at this and need to conclude this thread for my own safety.

Remember if we are found dead, French citizen @BernardGrua is involved -- he plotted this. Cheers.
You can follow @GruaAbuseArkive.
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