A film that doesn’t get talked about enough is Boaz Yakin’s “Fresh”. So many powerful performances packed in this little film, most notably from Giancarlo Esposito & N’Bushe Wright, it’s the type of movie that would probably be a critical darling if it came out today
I remember the first time seeing this was at my dads spot and I just recall being blown away. It’s was interesting watching Sean Nelson who played “Fresh” navigate this very dangerous adult world and being able to survive within it. On top of that, he was my age at the time
Also, this will always and forever be a N’Bushe Wright stan club. One of the first childhood crushes I ever had. She reminded me so much of the older girls in my neighborhood. She’s never turned in a bad performance in a film. Wish we saw more of her on the big screen
This was also the first time I ever saw Giancarlo Esposito in anything (Didn’t see “Do The Right Thing” until later the next year) and man, I was both terrified and totally enthralled by his character. He was both charming and scary at the same time. Should’ve been nominated
The most interesting aspect of this film was that it was scored by Stewart Copeland of The Police..the music was haunting and I would have never thought out of a million choices that Copeland would be your guy, but he was almost like what Johnny Greenwood is now to PTA
Last but not least, It would be a disservice if I didn’t mention Sam Jackson. Man’s had the “bad muthafucka” act down to a science, especially throughout his 90’s work. If you close your eyes you almost hear his character, Jules from Pulp Fiction
One of my favorite lines in the movie is between Fresh and his dad (Sam Jackson) where Sam has all these chess games set up in his place against different folks

“- Sam: Last game here I'm playing myself.
- Fresh: You're losing to yourself.
- Sam: Yeah, life's a bitch like that.”
Anyway, I hope one day this films gets the love it deserves and I’d love to see some sort of oral history done about the making of it at some point. If you’ve never seen “Fresh” I highly recommend it
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