i’m sorry if i sound tilted but like can ppl stop complaining about the cn server adjustments.
i kno it’s pointless talking about it but it’s not that netease wanted to make these changes, they had to.
i’m p sure a lot of you are upset with the new rocket chair design and (1)
whatever shit the game has censored but like at the end of the day what is being censored and what isn’t being censored isn’t gonna fucking change. nor is it your fucking place to demand change.
literally there’s no use complaining about it so can people stop??? it comes off as
very ignorant and annoying because you automatically assume that ne wanted to implement these changes.
there has been so many games that were restricted by the recent video game laws already and you aren’t the first few to be fucking affected. it’s just a fucking rocket chair
why are people so upset about it?? either that or they fucking joke about the matter???
and i’m not talking about the ones who are just sad or upset with the designs but are okay with it, i’m talking about the people who openly fucking mock these changes and type a long ass
paragraphs about the matter and hate on the fucking game.
it’s not funny, it’s not quirky and nobody fucking gives a shit okay?
you know what’s more important then your petty “oh i hate the chair design so i’m gonna mock this” jokes? the fucking designers that drew the poster for
your global fucking servers anniversary. the fucking designers that do your character and skin design. the map designers, the 3D modellers, the coders and so many fucking more people that make this game need to fucking eat okay. the need to put food on their table and your
opinion isn’t going to put food on the table for them. so stop thinking that insulting the designers or the game itself is funny. it’s not. try making a game like that in china and we’ll see how you fucking like it.
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