I got inspired by all these writing questions and I have a lot of author moots so I just wanna know how your writing brain works 😘

QRT your responses please.
What is your favorite genre to write? Why is it your fave?
Which fandom did you first start writing fics for? Are you still writing for that fandom?
Have you ever written crossover fics for completely different fandoms? Do you wanna try writing crossover fics? What would be your ideal crossover fic?
Which fandom do you follow but will never write a fic for? Why won't you ever write for that fandom?2
Do you put any scene/word that will undoubtedly make it recognisable as your fic? If yes, what's your signature fic moment?
For Fic writers, would you ever do TWT AUs? For AU writers, would you ever do Fics? Why or why not?
How do you conceptualise an AU fic? Do you do world building or do you let the characters interact and write the story out as it happens?
What takes you away from fic writing? Work? Lack of ideas? Exhaustion? Etc?
How do you procrastinate your fic? Do you look up inspiration instead of writing it? Lol sorry for the call out.
What do you think is the best sentence you've ever written? Show and tell us why?
How about the worst sentence? What made you hate that sentence?
Would you ever consider writing fics based on prompt generators?
What is your fic pet peeve when writing?
What is your fic pet peeve when reading?
Would you ever consider writing long ass, multi story arc, epic sagas?
Do you know of any fics or AUs in your own language? If so, drop your recommendations here.
Song fics! Go or no go? Discuss.
What is the most hilarious comment or feedback you got for your work?h
What is your fic writing rate? Can you write fics under a deadline? How many words per hour do you reckon you can do?
For your most recent WIP, what is your inspiration? Share pics, prompts, or songs that inspired you to write this fic?
What do you want your readers to feel when they read your fics?
Have you ever written yourself inside your fics? Like actually put your name in your fic? If yes, why did you put yourself in? How did you describe yourself?
Who is your favorite character/person to write? Why them?
End of thread. Might add more questions later if I think of something else. Remember to QRT only.

Happy writing folks!!!
You can follow @chweleesoz.
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