i wanna make a post and gush about me n jays arcana mcs because,, i love them,, so much,,, but no one else will give a fuck lmao
okay,, so,, my MC’s name is Liviana and she’s got a thing for Lucio. She was the first to work at the shop with Asra. After about two years of working together/recovering, Asra came home one night in the rain with an almost dead man who was in super bad shape, who she had to help
Asra save, and he’d ended up blind in one eye from the injuries. Asra didn’t tell her where he came from or what happened to him, and Liv was skeptical of it at first, especially because she knew how Asra had been with her when he’d saved her. The new boy didn’t talk for a few
months of him being at the shop, but when he did open up, it was to Asra first and he told him his name was Jasper, but he didn’t remember anything else. Liv was jealous because Asra had basically started spending all his time with Jasper to help him get better.
After Jasper became more comfortable around the both of them, they all started to get closer. Liv started opening up to him once she realized he wasn’t all that bad, and they basically all started being together? It was really nice and no one was really jealous of eachother, etc
But then one day, one of them was summoned to the palace, where Liv met lucio, and Jasper had gone out alone that night and had met Julian, and the rest is history the end. i’m gonna put art of them in this thread at some point too bc,, i love them
this is a drawing i had commissioned of her n lucio from @ChrisIbarraArt
@WlTHTEETH pls insert art of jasper here
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