Why are we sill surprised that people are complex creatures and you're never going to love everything someone does or says?
A few recent examples (read the whole thing before @-ing me)...
Elon Musk. Has funded some great projects. Also talks a load of shit a lot of the time. Both these things are true. He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
Plus, he was a dick to my friend and I'm always going to take that personally. This is not negotiable.
Kanye West. His music isn't my bag but that's beside the point. Yes, he has a mental condition which may explain his behaviour but doesn't necessarily excuse it.
People who care about him should be discouraging him from working out his episodes in public.
JK Rowling. Written some great books. Arguably introduced an entire generation to reading. Also has some irresponsibly simplistic views on gender. Both of these things are true.
We're probably all lucky Salinger never had twitter.
Don't even get me started on Morrissey!
Having said all that, anyone has the right to withdraw their support from any enterprise at any time for any reason. That's the free market. I can't imagine why anyone would want it any other way.
So if you still like Leunig cartoons, I respect that. If you've had it with him, I respect that too.
It's not for anyone to tell anyone else how to fell about something.
But when people see the error of their ways and change their ways, we should respect that too.
John Lennon - misogynist turned feminist. A violent man who learned not to be violent. You can't ask for more than that. Don't shout 'hypocrisy!' when people change their minds. [fin]
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