Arrived at #MonroeParkProtest... this is probably the biggest group of cyclists I have seen in Richmond since the bike race in 2015. Crowd's pretty big too. #RVAprotests #richmondprotest
All ya'll saying #boogaloobois and #BLM have no common ground... at least here in Richmond, they generally show up for each others protests, and treat each other cordially. Have since the gun rally in January. That feels so much longer aho than it is. #richmondprotest #RVAprotests – bei Monroe Park
Some park graffiti. – bei Monroe Park
Headed down Belvedere, now down Cary. #RVAprotests #richmondprotests
Gotta admit, sight of the crowd heading down Cary Street? It's something. #richmondprotest #RVAprotests
Full marching crowd shot down Cary Street. #RVAprotests #richmondprotest #BLM
For the record, 3rd Street Diner? Great local eatery. #RVAprotests #richmondprotest #rva #BLM – bei 3rd Street Diner
The #boogaloobois lead the next chant: "F*** White Supremacy!"
The next chant? "F*** Stoney!" #richmondprotest #RVAprotests #BLM
The protests have reached Broad Street. #RVAprotests #richmondprotest #rva
Okay weebs, where is that mask from? It's cool looking, whatever the source. #RVAprotests #richmondprotests
Down Broad Street now. #RVAprotests #richmondprotest
"Liar liar, gentrifiar! Black people live here!" #richmondprotest #RVAprotests
Not sure what just happened... but a few things just popped off as the crowd reached the federal courthouse. #RVAprotests #richmondprotest
There seems to be a divide among the protesters to either keep going or turn back at the courthouse. #RVAprotests #richmondprotest
Taking a knee for "all the black lives that have been lost". #RVAprotests #richmondprotest
Umbrellas coming out. #RVAprotests #richmondprotest
Nearing the police precinct
RPD now has some new paint on it. #richmondprotest #RVAprotests
RPD outside the precinct. Rubber bullets have been fired. #richmondprotest
Protesters and Richmond Police Department are facing each other down. #richmondprotest #RVAprotests – bei Richmond Police Department
Snipers or spotters on the roof. #RVAprotests #richmondprotest – bei Richmond Police Department
One truck on fire. Tear gas on the air. #richmondprotest #RVAprotests – bei Richmond Police Department
I feel like there's a metaphor here. #RVAprotests #richmondprotest
Police are securing the area. Protesters are moving back. #RVAprotests #richmondprotest
Headed back to Monroe Park... one update is there are LOTS of choppers in the air. #RVAprotests #richmondprotest
Head down Main Street where there is a confrontation between cops and protesters.

On the way, I see they have trashed the front window of Foo Dog. #RVAprotests #richmondprotest – bei Foo Dog: Asian Street Food
Cary Street has been trashed. #RVAprotests #richmondprotest
I don't know what happened... but the results are nor pretty.
#RVAprotests #richmondprotest
So I took a wrong turn after the protest took a bad turn... but by all accounts it sounds like VCU got trashed.

I may go back in the morning to sew how everything looks by the light of day.
BTW, to the guy with the black pickup whipping out his dogtags threatning people with a gun.

You're a disgrace to the uniform and the Army. I hope like hell you're a case of Stolen Valor.

Dummy did this in full view of multiple cameras and several police officers too.
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