I've said it before and I'll say it again: Globohomo is interested in your kids.
This is a show about and marketed to preteen girls (i.e. children).

An octoroon smugly femsplains trans kids and morally browbeats the main character, explaining that she knows all of this stuff because she's "from California". Revealing.
Misgendering is traumatic. More traumatic than medical professionals misunderstanding your biology due to your Current Year moral panic bullshit.

On the other hand, the medical establishment has gone along with trans madness for years, so it's really just 2ret*rdsfighting.gif
"You can't be what you can't see" is some of the most idiotic propaganda that's been shoved down our throat in years.

"In the real world, trans people are in real danger" ok, now THAT is some of the most idiotic propaganda that's been shoved down our throat in years.
Ahh great, at least the 9 year old trans kid is played by a real 9 year old trans kid. And of course, this woke 9 year old happens to have an activist mom. Munchausen syndrome by proxy transmom strikes again. Spot the gaslighting!
In case anybody was wondering what the ghoul who wrote that Netflix thread looks like... RT to curse a TL.
Oh god it's even worse than that last pic... of course; it always is.

May I present to you, writer at Netflix. This is who produces your garbage streaming content, Amerikwa.
Re: Co-founder and original CEO of Netflix...

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