writing out heavydirtysoul with each word as a single tweet: a thread in support for #MTVHottest
i really hope twitter will allow me to do so
there's #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
an #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
investigation #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
in #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
my #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
mind's #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
imagination #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
i #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
hope #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
that #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
they #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
choke #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
on #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
smoke #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
'cause #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
i'm #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
smoking #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
them #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
out #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
the #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
basement #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
apparently there is a limit to amount of tweets in a thread you can create sooo i'll do the same thing but with each line as a single tweet
not gonna delete this thread 'cause i want and 'cause i can #MTVHottest twenty one pilots
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