1)Gov. Cuomo & the ventilator mess he created. In July, 2011, the CDC stated:”Individuals who require a ventilator are unlikely to recover sufficient function to contribute to the preservation of the functioning of society.”-cdc.gov.
2)In January, 2020, the CDC stated:”Patients( on mechanical ventilators) are at high risk for complications & poor outcomes, including death. Ventilator associated pneumonia, sepsis,acute respiratory distress syndrome(Ards),pulmonary embolism, pulmonary edema, barotrauma...
3)...are among the complications that can occur in patients receiving mechanical ventilation; such complications can lead to longer duration of mechanical ventilation,longer stays in the ICU & Hospital, increased healthcare costs & increased risk of disability & death.”-cdc...
4)So, if you’re Gov. Cuomo & you’re going by CDC guidelines, & you fail to reasonably conclude that ventilators are more of a problem than a solution, then Gov. Cuomo made false assumptions on the need, effectiveness of ventilators. Cont.
5)On March 24, 2020, Gov. Cuomo believed New York will need “at least” 30,000 ventilators at the apex of the pandemic.-thehill.com.3/24/20.
6)When searching the New York State Dept. Of Health, the only information is on the obtaining & allocation of ventilators. There’s no scientific evidence presented stating the effectiveness of ventilators against Covid 19. Cont.
7)Just 2 days later,on March 26, 2020,Gov. Cuomo stated:”People on ventilators,the longer you are on a ventilator, the more probability of a bad outcome....they never come off the ventilators & that is just a situation where people deteriorate over time.”-msnbc.com..
8)Conclusion: So in just 2 days time, the “need” for ventilators,the reality of what ventilators were actually doing, the cost involved in terms of dollars on ventilators & human life, the sustaining of lives on ventilators, who will ultimately die...
9)...the public fear, panic, creating the illusion first, that ventilators were our only hope to survive Covid 19, then quickly reversing position & stating one is more likely to die on a ventilator. ...
10)There was a tremendous gap in legitimate scientific evidence presented, basically nothing at all, & concluding ventilators were our only salvation. This, in of itself, is a calamity of very uninformed, very detrimental “leadership”, by Cuomo...
11)...who seemed more interested in the Center Stage everyday, more interested in complaining what the Federal Government wasn’t doing, than to actually utilize a protocol of medications, therapies, that were having success in fighting Covid 19. / Done
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