I drew this a while ago, but I think it's time to post it.

Below are links to bail funds and organizations you can donate to, and if you can't, RT please, you don't HAVE to, but please do what you can.

#BLM #BlackLivesMattter #SupportBlackBusiness #Ally #BlackLivesMattters
And before ANYONE comments: I fucking hate Trump, I hate blu* lives matter, they fucking do NOT, and I am highly against ALM. If you come here spouting shit, expect a block.

ACAB. ❌🐷🍩

And if you want me to move out of the country, better pay for my plane ticket 😉
BLM is not a trend. BLM is not a moment you can forget about. Black lives matter EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Black lives matter more than material items, black lives matter more than the blue terr0rists hiding in uniform.

Black lives will ALWAYS matter. No matter what.
If you're here to disagree, leave.
I hate Trump supporters just as much as I hate the monster himself.
If you are against the movement, do NOT fucking speak to me.

They are human beings. They do not deserve to be beaten and killed for the color of their skin, no matter what.
We all have different opinions, but human lives and rights are not an opinion. This is not something we can "agree to disagree" on. If you disagree with black lives matter, I want no association with you.
This thread was made to boost black voices, businesses, and help protestors. Also to bring the racists flocking to this tweet, so others and myself can block them and weed them out.

I do not believe exposing racists to their schools or jobs are a bad thing, go for it.
If you're a POC business owner, writer, artist, musician, etc., advertise down below so I can RT and boost you! Make your voices heard.

I'm an ally, and I believe POC voices deserve to be heard.

Black lives matter. Always.
You can follow @MiiMiiartbeans.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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