There’s a fire by Riverside right now & they’re calling it a #KarenFire 🤷🏻‍♂️
@InlandK9SAR extinguishing the fire!
I think it’s almost extinguished. Woohoo!
There are still some 🔥 persisting because of the wind. #karenfire
Hope this one’s the last!
The apex has now been extinguished, but not sure about the foothills.
Ahh, it’s called the #KarenFire because it’s on Karen Lane.

The more I know. 🌈🌟
Still dropping as of 7:45 PM.
Maybe just as a precaution. #KarenFire
Things seem to have died down, thanks to @InlandK9SAR & the Fire Dept. choppers.

The moon above the once-raging fire.

The purple sky mixed with smoke.

A fireman waving hi after he saw me taking a pic of the red-stained mountain peak.

Goodbye & good riddance #KarenFire!🔥
Firefighters going home. #KarenFire is gone. 🙏🏼
My last post in this #KarenFire thread. Thank you for reading 🙏🏼😊
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