Here’s a breakdown of JK Rowling’s most recent transphobic rant (I know, it’s getting hard to keep track of them all).
The terminology used here is extremely outdated and transphobic, as are the views. It is entirely false to claim that medical intervention is being pushed on children “for what is in very many cases a psychological issue.”
Affirmation and medical intervention allows kids who question their gender to determine if they’re trans or not by removing shame, allowing exploration of gender identity & expression and approaching transition with the help of teams of medical professionals.
Of course there has been an increase in gender diversity, that’s a good thing because it means people finally feel free to live authentically instead of trying to adhere to societal norms and outdated gender stereotypes.
This brings up CT and acknowledges harm re gay folks but attempts to separate that from attempts to turn trans people cis. The source acknowledges studies have been conducted that support transition, but doesn’t providing opposing evidence, instead suggesting “poor-quality data.”
It’s not surprising that she’s receive plenty of emails. The vast majority of medical professionals acknowledge transition as the best and safest option for most trans people, so when transphobic ‘professionals’ find a celebrity that agrees with them, they latch on.
This “whistleblower” is someone who insults the intelligence of people based on their income & politics and imposes their views when assessing a child instead of acknowledging the experience the child & parents have. This may be the most insulting thing Rowling shared today.
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