Hello! I’m writing this thread to talk about something I’ve noticed in roblox. Take a look at the legs on my avatar. Is your first inclination to think I am an Oder? Well, you’re wrong. These geometric defaults are nothing more than a trend in roblox. To say that-
Everyone who uses them is an OD is generalising those who use them. Unless you see someone oding, please don’t harass people who use them. If they are online dating, report them and move on. There is no need to harass anyone’s avatars.
Another thing: not everyone who uses them wants to be “tHicK”. I know how stupid this thread may sound, but when you get harassed over LEGS. That’s how you know people are bored during quarantine.
Same with these legs: you don’t have to like someone else’s avatar. But keep your judgemental opinions to yourself. No one asked.
You can follow @pinchecomelona.
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