I see there's a discourse around a certain blogging event and I'm ngl, the ukya awards be giving me déjà vu because it's the same every year.

same people, same categories and poc bloggers confined the one category as if it's all we're eligible for.
being a champion of diversity vs any other category aren't mutually exclusive. as much as i will always uplift ownvoices and aoc, our blogs and content fit into many other categories, too. but i guess we never cross the mind unless you're forced to bc the word diversity is there.
for example, I was kindly nominated/longlisted this year as champion of diversity but I was also confused as to why?? I was barely blogging, reviewing, and hadn't really posted content I thought worthy of getting a nomination for CoD yet, I did. Was it just because I'm Muslim?
this makes me sound like I'm so ungrateful but it also makes me think did I only cross the mind just when it came to that category?? because I happen to be Muslim and a blogger.

What about the other categories? Surely my blog would have fit those.
also if you think this thread is because I'm bitter about not winning or something then lmao, I wasn't even shortlisted and I questioned *why* I was even nominated. this is more about how the awards are always the same, that poc bloggers aren't considered outsidr the CoD category
of course poc and marginalised bloggers should be considered for champion of diversity because there are creators out there who work so hard and push for diversity but that category isn't what we're limited to. There are many POC newcomers, established, most inspirational etc.
overall those awards need some changes otherwise it'll just regurgitate the same thing every year.

I also want to thank those that do nominate me but also ask that you consider POC and marginalised bloggers beyond the diversity category.
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