At the Goodwood/Crescent Town Tenant Tenant Town Hall.
Some statistics from a tenant survey:

72 % lost jobs or hours

50% went into debt, borrowed money to pay rent

55% were not able to pay full rent

Only 7% percent of those laid off are starting to go back to work
A tenant asks councillor @BradMBradford why this is the first time he has spoken with tenants over the past four months... wants to know what it is he has done to prevent evictions.
Another tenant speaks about how private inspectors pushed tenants to allow them to do unnecessary inspections at the beginning of the pandemic, entering every unit and putting tenants at a risk of inspection.
Many tenants watching from their balconies. Are reporting a 30 min delay to use elevators to get down to the meeting. Elevator problems are ongoing, but not usually to this extent, tenants report.
A Teesdale tenant talks about the repayment plan offered by her landlord- would require her to pay $2k a month. All of her CERB.
A week after rejecting a prepayment plan, she was served an eviction order.
@beyrima says that city of Toronto needs to enact an eviction ban, pressure the provinical government.
Prior to this , a @Peoples_Defence member asks the politicans present if they would recommend that their constituents should agree to repayment plans that take 100% of their income.
East York Tenants Demands to Politicans:
Both @BradMBradford and @beyrima commit to to supporting these demands.
A tenant asks why every industry has faced hardship except the landlords, why should they expect full rent when tenants are forced to live on less. Why rent repayment not discounts?
A speaker from @Peoples_Defence ends with reminding everyone that it is this work of tenants that made today possible, and its the tenants that will need to support one another at the end of the day.
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