Stretch marks are cool. Cellulite is cool. Having a “fupa” is NATURAL. Thigh gaps are cool. No thigh gaps are cool. Being naturally skinny is cool. Living in a naturally larger body is cool. Diets disguise themselves as “lifestyle changes” and “wellness” and “health”
I’m nearing completion of my first week of eating disorder therapy and the things I’m learning have been blowing my mind. Diet culture is horrible. I’m sorry I’ve ever perpetuated it by posting about being ~healthy~ or having ~abs~
I work out because I love it. Truly! I don’t do it because I hate myself and want to change. I have dieted because I hate myself and want to change. Call it whatever you want, avoiding food/being strict about food intake is a diet.
Please pick up Anti Diet by @chr1styharrison. Please be kind to yourselves and your bodies. I’ve struggled with an ED for 9 years and it took me this long to get therapy. Do not let influencers make you feel any type of way about the body you were born in. I’m sorry if I have.
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