the differences between Oikawa and Atsumu, a small thread.
oikawa is Smart in ways atsumu is not. they're both incredible setters who have immense knowledge about volleyball, but please look me in the eyes and tell me atsumu could find the square root of 340. oikawa wouldnt skimp out on schoolwork, atsumu would fall asleep in class.
atsumu, despite being a habitual liar, is usually incredibly genuine about things. he would not fake a personality, he would NEVER do something he didnt want to do. oikawa is fake as hell,, because he is driven by insecurities (at least at first). atsumu wouldnt change himself.
for the above reason, atsumu is NOT popular. through grade school he probably didn't have many friends aside from osamu. he is Mean and doesn't filter his thoughts for other people, he would probably be a loner. a hot loner, but a loner all the same. oikawa has a fanclub.
end of thread bc that's all I can think of right now
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