oh mygod now that we’re in topic of politics there’s this funny story that happen to me last year with f*x news
so let’s get this str8 I was at f*x news studio office in nyc against my will. anyways i was there during the mueller report. so we were taking a tour and we’re in this studio news set pretending to be in the news bc my friend and I are funny like that. +
anyways we’re there with the tour guy, aka my liberal who wears crocs to work king, and while we’re doing the “news” this alarm went off and BITCHES STARTED RUNNING LIKE CRAZY BC THE MUELLER REPORT DROPPED AND WE WERE IN THE BREAKING ROOM WERE WR SHOULDNT HAVE BEEN THERE TO BEGIN
+ WITH !! they were shouting to not record anything and to get out, I WAS DYING OF LAUGHTER. r*publcians in distress is so funny. ik there asses were scared of me 😋
f** ***s finds this thread i’m over... but it was funny tbh. I hated that tour besides the tour guy and the view from the top of the city.
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