Told someone my young dog had chewed up a bunch of stuff while I slept. They told me that if they had her they would get rid of her. This is the problem with some of you pet owners. When I get a dog I get it planning to have it for its whole life.

A thread/
Do you toss your kids out when they make a mess? No, you teach them. Puppies and children alike dont know the way things should be and must be taught/trained.
You cannot get a pet expecting it to be perfect or a certain way. You must train them what's right and wrong. That doesnt mean harming them to train them. You do not need to hit a dog because they're bad. A loud voice usually does the trick. Hitting them does nothing but make /
Them scared of you and brings their respect for you down. Who would want a pet that fears them when you can have a pet that adores the hell out of you and listens to make you happy.
I beg you to NEVER get a pet if you expect perfection. Or if you plan to toss them out for making a mess. You must expect messes, and expect bad days and expect them not to listen fully at first. Puppies are perfectly imperfect and raising them kindly with achieve more than fear
So please do not ever get a pet if you do not plan to have it for their whole life. They become family and should be treated that way. Also, PLEASE PLEASE do not raise a dog their whole life then throw them in the pound or give them away once they are old. That's the most/
Heartbreaking thing I've ever heard of. Love them and give them the life they deserve until their very last breath.They dont deserve that kind of fear or stress in their golden years. Again, PETS ARE FAMILY Pets of all ages deserve to be loved unconditionally the way they love us
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