omg no not rehmat posting a rant now 😾 but i need to do it so sorry not sorry- anyways let’s rant 😼
i know people hate lin, and i know he’s done bad things. i’m not going to deny that he’s done some things that are questionable, and i know that lin may not be everyone’s favorite, regardless if they know he’s done problematic things or not. but that’s still NO excuse to bully or
harass him and his family.
i know he’s done questionable things, and i know he’s not everyone’s “cup of tea,” but is that an excuse to bully and/or harass him? no, it isn’t. the lip biting jokes aren’t funny anymore. sure, some of them are, but still. if the intent of the joke
is just harmless and some jokes, then that’s fine, but if you’re using it as an excuse to bully him then,,,, no ❤️
also, saying he can’t sing or act is rude as well. it isn’t a fact. he CAN sing. he CAN act, and the drafts aren’t proof of it. i get it, they’re funny, but using
those as references with the “he can’t sing” thing isn’t funny. it’s rude. i assure you, his singing has improved, and his acting as well.
and i hate the fact that people are PROUD for bullying him off of twitter. why are you proud for bullying someone who just spreads
positivity through his tweets? i know he’s done bad things, but that still isn’t an excuse to be proud. and no, stop using the drafts and the lip bite as an excuse to bully him. his cousin has died, so don’t you think it’s a good time to stop? and if you’re saying it hasn’t gone
THAT far, his WIFE had to address it, i think that’s far enough. and no karen just bc he casted himself as the lead role in his musical doesn’t mean he’s narcissistic or full of himself, and the jokes aren’t funny anymore anyway.
i get people don’t like him, i do, but the “memes” need to stop. and his cousin just died recently, so don’t you think it’s time to just leave it?
and here’s another thing: if you’re NICELY asking him to apologize for things he’s done, that’s perfectly fine!! but the bullying and harassment need to STOP. and before you say “oh he’s an adult he shouldn’t be offended!” adults have feelings
too. and if you constantly see people saying “oh you can’t sing! oh you looks ugly!” over and over, youre soon gonna believe him, and he isn’t that bad looking anyway.
sorry for ranting but i’m just hella angry at twitter and everything rn,,,
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