Heroes Ever After was probably my first time doing graphic design at such a grand scale, especially when it came to making tons of drawings/illustrations for announcements and the zine itself so please don't mind if I...make a thread of all the things I drew now that it's doneđŸ„ș
starting off with these drawings i made for announcements/updates
this cool big banner !! was super fun. i loved designing all the little allmight merch/food 😭
guest invitation/acceptance letter graphic and the guest table! we werent sure how many guests we'd have/who would accept our invites so i just copied the same three models lololol
follower milestone announcements!!
collabs with @chibolts !! she sketched things out and i lined/colored
artwork for minigames sorry i removed the games
more mini games!!
this one probably took the most out of me...designed an entire amusement park but in the end u cant rlly see the whole thing in the zine đŸ€§
illustrations of scenes i made for fics!!! i tried not to draw people to keep me from burning out since its not my strongest suit.......im also haunted by the fact that i got the last one wrong bc it was supposed to be miso sauce but my head empty went straight to soup
more illustrations i put into fics to get rid of white spaces :D
something i drew to give the writers a graphic in the contributors' pages and custom linebreaks for each film!! my friend complained to me that the writers were getting everything in the zine and they absolutely deserve it
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