Struggling to hit your goals?

Never heard of Goal setting theory?

Read on!

It is the development of an action plan in order to guide a person towards a goal.

And utilises the

SMART criteria

S - specific

M - measurable

A - attainable

R - relevant

T - time based

Specific - Your goal is direct, it is detailed and it means something.

It is set with real numbers and figures, not general sayings such as

I want more visitors to my website,

instead it is

I want 100 visitors each day to my website

Measurable - You are able to track your progress, to quantify results.

Again dont use general buzz words such as brand awareness

As they are hard to track.

Say you want 10 followers extra a day

Attainable - Your goal is realistic

You have to have the resources available to achieve it

However make sure the goal is still challenging

But dont be stupid

Eg. Dont aim for £10 000 in affiliate sales on your first day on Twitter

Relevant - make sure your goals align with your overall mission

The mission of your Twitter, business or larger goals

Dont be aiming to get $10 000 worth of sales in print on demand when your focus is selling ebooks

Time based - make sure your goal has a deadline

A goal with out a deadline is just a dream

And will never be achieved

Dont just aim for 10 000 followers

Instead aid for 10 000 followers in your first year


Decide on your larger goal(s)

Use the SMART criteria to plan on how to achieve them

Then break down your larger goals into smaller goals

Which will help you obtain the larger, main goal

Then use the SMART criteria to plan for the smaller goals

Goal achieved ✅
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