I have an OCD joke but
I have an OCD joke but
I have an OCD joke but
I have an OCD joke but if I say it my cousin might die.
I have an OCD joke, but I'd probably delete it in five minutes anyway. 🤷🏻‍♂️
I have an OCD joke, but I'm evil for thinking it.
I have an OCD joke, but if I tell it I'll spend all next week worrying I should have told it differently.
I have an OCD joke, but I don't know you well enough to judge how you'd react and forget it I shouldn't have said anything oh God you hate me now I deserve punishment I'm so sorry for bothering you with a silly joke sorry sorry sorry I don't mean to do everything wrong
I have an OCD joke, but I took 10 hours perfecting it and now everyone's gone.
I have an OCD joke and I can't stop telling it.
I don't have an OCD joke, but had to add this tweet so the thread would be divisible by three.
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