Have you ever read Manusmriti?
Manusmriti advocates Varna system, not caste. Both are different. Give me some time I will present one thread on Manusmriti. If you check eligibility for a brahmin as per Manusmriti, you will surprise that it is very hard to find any brahmin. Even https://twitter.com/imabhijeet2030/status/1287102847822131201
I am not a brahmin. May be stamped as brahmin by birth by society and Indian constitution.
I have read point by point and page by page. After reading Manusmriti I recognized that, honestly it is a fraud if I myself thinks that I am a Brahmin. Rich and influential peoples of society are now deciding who is brahmin /kshatriya /vaishya and shudra. We should ashame that by
Declaration of a large section of hardworking peoples as shudra we are insulting them.Thousands year old text used by us to describe ourselves as Brahmin, kshatriya and shudra but in context of today's world and present time. In fact I never meet any brahmin personally till date.
And if any religious guru promote wrong interpretation of dharma, I have no respect for him. He is like paster or mullah who are running chrislamic conversion factories.
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