In all seriousness, I do want to echo what others, including @AlexAndersonMD have said about the #MedBikini movement. Although I LOVE the solidarity and pictures of all of you smart, good looking docs in swim suits, it is from a place privilege that some of us (including me)
can post pictures of us having fun outside of work in swim suits holding alcohol as examples of us being “unprofessional” Many POC and LGBTQ+ health professionals suffer from numerous microagressuons questioning their professionalism just for who they choose to date/ marry,
How they speak, where they are from, how they wear their hair, and many other things I’m sure I can’t speak on because it hasn’t happened to me.
Also, be aware that the article didn’t JUST call bikinis and alcohol unprofessional. It called physicians speaking out on social injustices such as racism, transphobia, homophobia, and gun violence unprofessional.
We are NOT unprofessional for speaking up for vulnerable populations. We are not unprofessional for using our right to vote in order to vote for officials who will stand against social injustices. It is our job and duty as physicians to stand up for the rights of our patients.
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