what is it with armys and guilt tripping others recently...
we have amassed a numerous amount of armys during this time in quarantine we still hold much capability.. trust me but piggybacking off that, we are in quarantine and we're also dealing with the weight of modern society inclining on us.
not only that stuff though.. there's so many other aspects presently that are making peoples minds lose edge and energy. so many of us are going through hell and back rn but for some of you to disregard that and put such a task as voting or streaming above that is so..
i have seen so many of my mutuals talk about how stressed and drained they are but nonetheless they are continuing to vote and stream because they do know it holds importance. we all want the best for bts, that's like our movement but i ask of you to please show a little mercy
the way some of you are approaching this is draining in itself because you make it seem like we have to prioritize these tasks above our health... you're calling us lazy.. guilt tripping like it doesn't sit well with me at all.
armys are such an incredible fandom and i love you all dearly but a vast majority of you have to learn to be considerate of others circumstances, especially at a time like this
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