Good morning! watch out for misinformation and always be sure to check your source of information, this stuff can be super misleading when it can come from your own news station so please check to see if your local station is run by Sinclair!
Also, check for misinformation in general! This stuff can be super dangerous and everyone can fall for it at times, I’m not perfect I certainly have had my moments. Here are some resources just in case for those who’d like some: 

politifact is also an excellent resource for information regarding politics and the like. 

another good one! this source is good for checking your news sources for a variety of things such as political bias, how they’re funded, and their level of accuracy
Again, it’s very important to do your own research! Im not an expert on any of this but I still see many people fall to misinformation and thought i’d share just a few resources i know of.

if there are any other good ones please let me know! i’ll add it to this thread
also if any of these aren’t good resources also let me know and i’ll be sure to take it down as quickly as i can
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