Thread: Let’s relax with some lighthearted philosophical reflection this weekend. It’s all about the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates who said: “By all means, marry. If you find a good wife, you’ll be happy. If not, you will become a philosopher”.
According to Van Bryan, a writer and philosopher, there are five reasons Socrates was a terrible husband.
1. Socrates wanted to argue. His wife Xanthippe was a shrew, a nagging woman and a royal pain in the wherever. But our great philosopher wanted it so. How could he, Socrates argued, withstand arguements with other wise men in Athens if he was not well practiced?
2. Socrates didn’t have a job. He refused to take any financial reward for the wisdoms he dished our in the city square. Money would corrupt and dilute his thinking, he said. Well, you can imagine how well his UN remunerated philosophy was able to provide for his wife and child.
3. Socrates got drunk with his “paddy men”.The philosophical discourses were held at sysmposiums for men only. They usually began with having some wine (small stout, beer or vodka, we don’t know), after which, naturally, everyone present was in a philosophical mood. Wisdom flowed
4. Socrates loved someone else. (Now, this is not a good husband!) What beautiful woman was this? Shock! It was a man! Our philosopher’s true love, other than philosophy, was a a young military commander named Alcibiades.
5. Socrates made his wife Xanthippe leave his execution. Our philosopher, foebhis “heresies”, was condemned to execution.His wife was at his place of execution, weeping uncontrollably. He asked his friends to take her home before he drank his hemlock, no kisses or hugs.
Now, we can see one of the main reasons Socrates was a philosopher, and why his marriage did not fare too well. #Ends.
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