TJ & Steve, two of our unhoused organizers, and ED @Classymscassie are so excited & grateful to join & hear from so many incredible unhoused organizers & allies at today’s @lawatmargins #HousingAsAHumanRight conference!

Livestream ⬇️ & we’ll try to LT in this thread!
Join & 👀 @lawatmargins #HousingAsAHumanRight conference live!
Read more about the @lawatmargins #HousingAsAHumanRight conference that is happening RIGHT NOW here ↓

#HowWeSolveHomelessness #RightToaAHome
Vicky B, talks about "runaround of services" she experienced while unhoused; spending entire day seeking support, sent to orgs that didn't meaningful solutions or listen to people receiving services.

Real need for "one stop shop"

#HousingAsAHumanRight #HowToSolveHomelessness
Reginald @pthny notes frequently homeless services are "one size fits all" & don't actually meet the needs of many unhoused people. There is an incredible need for unhoused people to be listened to & part of developing solutions on #HowToSolveHomelessness

Vicky, @TheContributor states major barrier to housing is case management who will sometimes discourage folks from joining lists citing long waits. Shares idea of CM in libraries (TJ @MAAPMass shares amongst 3 of us: should be formerly homeless whose been through process).
Couper Orona, @housethebay notes that in Bay Area people often get labeled "Service Resistant.

"We're not service resistant, services are resistant to us!"

👏🏻👏🏼👏🏽👏🏾👏🏿 👏🏻👏🏼👏🏽👏🏾👏🏿

#HousingAsAHumanRight #RightToAHome #HowWeSolveHomelessness
Couper, @housethebay shares experience as street medic, "I ride around on my BMC & get to people as quickly as I can" and the rightful concerns unhoused people have with accessing traditional forms of medical care.

#HousingAsAHumanRight #RightToAHome #HowWeSolveHomelessness
Reginald B, notes stigmatization & resistance to public housing & deep need for development of more public housing to actualize #HousingAsAHumanRight #RightToAHome
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