Friends I know from smaller circles in life are cool with me on this topic, but I sometimes find it a challenge to read what a group of folks really think about me.
When it comes to working with and building friendships in different groups these days you tend to run into a lot of drama. It comes from so many angles that the only sensible things to figure it out is through drowning it out, talking to folks, or making assumptions.
However, people like me have seen the fires of bad rep behind the scenes. In the end, I don't like gossip. I grew up around stuff like that and had to sit and watch it poison cool people, polite people, even people calling themselves doing the right thing. It happens...
Ever had a friend who cried "Everything's Fine" until it wasn't? That's life for ya. You do what you can to let people draw a perception of you based on their interactions with you, sometimes someone else's perceptions gets added.

...Then results may vary.
In some messed up way, saying all that has a certain weight to it. Who knows if the person reading or hearing this will think about it fairly, we don't know.
What I do know is that sometimes I bump into some pretty colorful words online and IRL and have to live with them. One day, those words might become too much... In the meantime, I do what I can regardless of the ever increasing burden I bear. Sadly, that's my lifestyle.
What I can say is this: If you ever find yourself talking Mad Mess about somebody, say it to their face somehow.
-Speak your mind, without regret-
Do you really want to become a bully and keep them guessing? Do you want morals built on giving folks the cold shoulder?
On that note, I guess the reason why I made this...
Deep down I've seen everyone I admire sometimes stoop to dirty tactfulness to make a point, and call it "harmless". Slowly but surely it will sort itself out. For now, take what ever lessons you want from this thread.
Do not plant seeds of doubt. It'll blossom a formulation of your concerns.
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