Every appeal to Twitter to “do something” about racism ends up with Twitter implementing something that makes it 10x worse. We have been here from Gamergate to #yourslipisshowing and beyond... we have explained all the ways far right racist trolls were using liberal mainstream...
media’s eagerness to “both sides” every issue to warp discussion and further their hateful views. Twitter can’t deal with racists because twitter doesn’t even know how to identify them. It relies on algorithms which cannot differentiate between a racist & an anti racist.
identifying markers for a racist get used *against* activists who see their accounts suspended. And then the racists learned how to game the algorithm and started targeting the accounts of racists. I know anti-racist activists who have deleted. Who have locked their accounts.
I’m on my second account *because* of racists targeting my original one. How were they able to do it? Every step of the way, when black ppl were trying to explain how various oppressions intertwine and how are struggles depend on consistent solidarity, we were met with racism..
and ignorance from some of the very same people admonishing Twitter’s failure to act today.

A blackout is not going to work. Accountability might. That means finding the bravery to actually call out the loud voices who help normalise the toxicity of “both sides”.
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