Police "show up" at riots in the same way that mass murderers "show up" at massacres.
I have yet to see a riot that began without police present.

Police are alchemists who turn peaceful protests into violent skirmishes.
It's not hard either. Here's how you do it:

1) Find a peaceful protest
2) Get dressed in armor
3) Bring weapons
4) Surround the protest
5) Do not engage verbally
6) Instill fear and anxiety
7) Advance like a phalanx
8) Start tear gassing people

Instant riot.
At every protest I've been that has turned ugly the same thing has happened.

Police put more and more pressure on protesters to raise the tension level while protesters try to de-escalate and avoid physical contact until it's untenable to continue doing so.
If you watch. Cops are always the ones to advance/hit first, Knowing that any self-defense or retaliation can be used as retroactive justification for the original violence

Police brazenly bring violence to protest and then get credit for using that violence to quell itself
Watch any protest.

You'll always see the standoff.
Cops form a line. (they don't have to)

They will not discuss why they are there or what they intend to do, which breeds mistrust.

They then start randomly and aggressively expanding their radius, using bikes or barricades
They do it bit by bit.

Protesters will voluntarily give the cops room and stand ground a few yards back.

The police keep closing that distance. Slowly. Incrementally. And then they yell at protesters for standing where they were standing threatening them to move back
I have watched the police use this advance itself as justification for violence, aggressively shoving the elderly with bicycles, hitting pregnant women with barricades and then daring any of the outraged, concerned onlookers to do anything about it.
This is important.

The police will use citizens natural compassion, empathy and protectiveness of their fellow humans against them.

They deliberately abuse the vulnerable and wait for outraged and concerned protesters to act to protect them.

Then criminalize the compassionate
If the average person witnesses a person abusing or attacking the vulnerable, they will be compelled to aid the vulnerable, even if they are unable to.

In greater numbers, people will be emboldened to intervene to protect the vulnerable.

Police know this.

They count on it.
Because America gave police absolute power over citizens, it's literally illegal for a concerned citizen to intervene if a cop is criminally abusing a person.

Doing so gives police the legal right to abuse the concerned citizen.

This is how we constructed policing.

See it yet?
Police are inherently antithetical to human decency.

They don't have to be, but the rules America created to govern their behavior deliberately make them so.
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