#xicheng 🔪

In this world, people who have an unrequited love are afflicted with a terrible curse—they start turning transparent.

It starts from their feet, from their toes, and it progresses upwards, up their thighs, their torso, their arms and their necks.
The stronger the unrequited love is, the faster the curse progresses. There’s no cure for it, not unless their love gets requited, and no one knows what happens to those who turn completely transparent.
And the worst thing is that the only two people who can see the transparency are those involved—the person with the unrequited love and the person they have an unrequited love for.

Back when Jiang Cheng was still a child, he had once found it stupid.
Why didn’t the person with the unrequited love just inform their friends and family? Just confess to the person they like? Just show them the transparency?

Surely then, their friends and family would stand by their side? Surely then, the other person would love them.
But now, finally, Jiang Cheng knows. He understands that it isn’t that easy.

To tell anyone is to force the other person to be with him. And Jiang Cheng doesn’t want to live with pity.
That’s why even though it has been a long time since Jiang Cheng last saw his hands, even though he can no longer recall how his body looks from his neck down, Jiang Cheng still doesn’t tell anyone his predicament. Not Lan Xichen. Not Jin Ling. Not his Sect members.
He simply pulls on gloves every morning, gloves that outline the shape of his hands that he can no longer see, that Lan Xichen would probably never see, and go on pretending that nothing is wrong.
Because he is the infallible Sandu Shengshou, and he’ll rather succumb to the curse than to accept a love that he isn’t worthy of.
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