Simple model for the brain: it does two things - accumulate knowledge, and store memes. Knowledge accumulation is just learning, and I won't go into that. But the other aspect is meme storage which is under-discussed.
Meme storage aspect can be understood as following: meme holding section of the brain is a finitely sized box. So mimesis is conserved. What kind of memes are typically held in the brain? Things like Progressivism, Environmentalism, Veganism, Islam, Nazism, or Christianity.
Memes can also be things like Trumpism, or Justin Bieberism or Weight-Lifting-ism. It is basically the sort of non-knowledge oriented symbols you tend to spread to others around you, and conversely receive from others around you. It defines the way you live or thing,
Meme management is a critical aspect of managing your brain. Most people focus only on learning, which is only half of the business of brain management. The other half is in figuring out what memes you want to put in your brain.
In fact meme selection might be even more important than learning because memes orient your life. What memes you select to put in your brain changes the way you live, and changes the outcomes you produce. I'd strongly recommend picking the right memes.
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